Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Everyone but me

A friend of mine wants to get pregnant so badly. She has been trying for nearly a year now. The other day she called crying "does God hate me because apparently He does, everyone else is getting pregnant!?" I tried to explain to her that it doesn't work like that, a+b does not = c.

I overheard a guy at the grocery store, he was on the phone. "I have been looking for work for months. It seems everyone else is getting a job, I'm getting more debt." I smiled as I passed him, wanting to stop and say something encouraging, but I didn't because I know all the phrases I would say don't make the fear go away and don't bring a job knocking on your door. Bill collectors don't care that "God loves me".

I just sent an email to a dear friend telling her that I am sad to hear of an impending marriage proposal because it's not me that's getting married.

I think we all have something we are longing for. It doesn't matter if the longing is for living, like a job, or loving like a child or spouse. The longing is still an overwhelming ache in our soul that cries out "WHAT ABOUT ME!"

We live in a time that says you deserve X. I hear that phrase often, "I deserve it!" That thinking is straight up self-centered and opposite of being a Christian. Our existence is not to have more, do more, be more. Our existence is to shine the light on God love God and love others through the love He gives us. The rest is icing on the cake, it's not the cake.

Whatever you have that is aching in you, whatever you are wishing you had I encourage you to stop saying "what about me", stop having the victim thinking and start being thankful for what you DO have. God has already blessed you with so much, but you're missing it because you're focused on what you don't have.

The whole time we are shouting "WHAT ABOUT ME!" God is in turn whispering "what about Me".

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