Wednesday, February 25, 2009


For two weeks straight the word miracle was everywhere and I knew God was preparing me, telling me to open my eyes. You see, God is always working, always talking to us, always around but we have to be willing to see it and acknowledge it and believe it will happen. I started praying that I would not miss them and that I would believe it to will happen to me.

I have been praying for weeks now that the weather would be nice when we moved. Moving in Feb isn't the best idea! The weather channel was calling for significant snow Friday night and all day Saturday. I prayed Friday night before going to bed that God would shield us from the snow just long enough for us to move; Saturday morning I woke up at 5 and there was no snow on the ground! I was so excited I laughed out loud! Then around 7 snowflakes started so I prayed (my prayers are just me talking to God as if he was my friend sitting next to me) "Ok look, I know we can move in the snow and I know you can stop the snow. I'm asking you to shield us just long enough to move so that the people who are helping me won't get sick." Ok, get this...the snow literally stopped just before 9, when we started moving, and didn't start again until well after we were done at 12 and then it snowed and the wind was blowing fierce and it was soooo cold. But for those few hours it took us to move we were shielded from the weather! Miracle...absolutely!

I don't know why I continuously worry and get overwhelmed when I KNOW God is working and promises to take care of me. I don't know why I always feel like I have to "figure it out" when I KNOW God already has it all under control. Maybe because I'm a Christian who is still in the flesh; I want nothing more than to get out of the way so God can shine, but sometimes I just can't seem to get my butt out of the way. The miracle in that...God finds a way to still shine through my mess!

The other night someone said "I wish God would work so clearly in MY life" so to that I say "He is, you just have to call it God and not something luck".

Till next time my friend...

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