Sunday, November 30, 2008

enjoy the process

When any of my friends find love my advice to them is always the same...enjoy the process of falling in love. No one ever told me that. I didn't realize that it was a process, not an arriving point. I thought "whew, we've fallen in love. now we can get on with life." I missed it totally! Falling in love should be just that, falling. A little more every day. After day. After day. After day.

The very advice I give to my friends, sucks when it's turned around on me!! I'm not good at slow. I'm not good at process. I'm good at "do it and move on". But for three solid years God and I have been talking about this very topic and for three solid years He's been slowly teaching me how to enjoy the process, any process for that matter. He's been teaching me to "let it happen" rather than "make it happen". He's been teaching me to trust the process even when it hurts.

Falling in love is scary for me. I've loved and lost too many times. But I've also always jumped in and thought later, I'm sure that has something to do with it! :)
I very well could fall in love again and still have it end. There are no guarantees, I know this. But for the first time I'm feeling the process, I'm finding comfort in the process. For the first time I'm truly simply "falling" in love; day by day. And for the first time...I hope I never find the destination because the process is amazing!

Till next time...

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