Sunday, April 19, 2009


Have you ever been so sad that you just wanted to give up? Run away? End life? Have you thought to yourself “it will always be this way”? I have. I’ve had the darkest moment of my life, lying on the floor just wanting the pain to end. I’ve also talked to people who have been there, or are on their way there. If you’ve never felt that darkness know that it’s the scariest place to be…alone in a room full of people. Never do I want to go back to that place, never do I want to feel that lost again; that’s why I am still in counseling and that’s why I would encourage everyone to talk to someone…always!

We are all recovering from something in our life and we all will feel the storms of life…always. I have been blessed with the people in my life and was able to climb out of that hole; God picked me up and held me close. He wants to do that with all of us, if we’ll only let him. Last week I was upset with God wondering why He lets things happen, why He doesn’t stop us when we are about do something we shouldn’t. But it wouldn’t be true love if He stepped in, I know. Doesn’t make things any easier to deal with. Death sucks, lets just be honest. None of us are ever happy when someone dies. I hate funerals. I hate funerals that are unexpected. But what I really hate is feeling like I just can’t help, but then I’m reminded that it’s not my job to save you…in any capacity. What I CAN do…listen to you, be here for you, and encourage you to reach out the One who CAN help you…the rest is up to you.

This is dedicated Dave…you will be missed my friend, you will be missed.

Till next time.....

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