Wednesday, December 7, 2011


For several months now I've had really weird dreams, some make me cry and others make me laugh because they are so outrageous. Last night I had a dream that my oldest daughter told me she's pregnant; this is the second time I've had that dream. Needless to say I woke in a panic and crying.

When I was growing up I went through many different occupations when someone would ask "what do you want to be when you grow up?" It started with veterinarian, then moved to pilot, teacher, actress, beautician. The list was long and today I'm none of them nor have I ever been any of them. They were merely dreams that have not come true.

God often spoke to people via dreams. For me, I tend to be woken in the middle of the night with the urge to write and through that writing His words take shape and I begin to see what it is that is floating inside of me, the "dream".

This morning I have been writing. I'm working to finish my book (it's long over due) and I'm starting a new project, a small group study about our identity as women. I'm home, writing. That I can tell you is a dream I never thought would come true nor did I speak it out loud for many years.

So, what have I learned about dreams? As the song goes, you gotta know when to hold em, know when to fold em...this ministry is a dream I will hold, the fear of what my children "may" do I will fold.

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