Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Moments in the rain...

The storm is rolling in and Erica and I are snug in our home, with no need to leave any time soon. Sure I have things to do, that list never goes down, but there's no pressing need to leave the house. Instead, she's playing in her room, I'm working on my book and stuff for the ministry (cause I can't seem to do one thing at a time) and listening to the thunder roll in. Life is good.

I love thunderstorms; there's something sensual about them. I hung a comforter out this morning to dry after being washed and shortly after noticed the rain was coming, so went out to bring it in and a memory flooded my mind....suddenly it was a year ago and life was...different. It's funny how one small thing can trigger a wave of thoughts, almost like a home movie playing in my mind. I can remember the sound, the feel, the smell of that whole day. I can remember it all as if it happened last night, but it didn't, it happened a life time ago.

I feel as if each year I change so much that to look back a year ago seems like a life time ago. The last 6 years of my life have been nothing but full speed growth, moving ahead towards a better me. Not always moving forward mind you, I had my moments of backward and even sideways at times, but overall, forward was the name of the game. This morning though, this morning I had a moment of longing for the backward...just for one more lay in the rain and feel all that was around me.

And then I sit here, in the quiet of my house, realizing yet again just how totally cool my life life TODAY, in this very moment. I say it all the time but I truly mean life just keeps getting better. I'll have another moment in the rain, like I did last year, only I know this time it'll not be a memory made that I'll one day look back on with sadness. Moments in the rain....I think I'll add that to my list of things to do before I die....create fantastic, fun, and even romantic (someday) moments in the rain.

Till next time friends....

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