Wednesday, October 13, 2010


According to most people I have way to much on my plate. I've always been someone with a lot going on, if you wait to ask for my help when "things die down a little" you'll always be waiting. The difference between the plates today and the plates just a few years ago is now the plates are all on purpose.

For so many years I just floated through life, allowed life to simply happen. I had no idea what I was doing or where I was going. I was just existing and trying not to drown. I was also doing what I felt everyone else thought I should be doing which largely revolved around "earn a paycheck".

The old Carla was driven by the approval of others. Today, I am driven by God. Not His "approval" mind you, He gave me that when Christ died for me; I'm driven by a deep desire to follow Him. When I shifted my focus from people to God a lot changed in my life. I hit major valleys but I also found an amazing peace. I've finally accepted the fact that God will call me to do things that seem crazy at first only to make complete sense on the other side. Hence, my life now.

I can honestly tell you my life is much more hectic now than it ever has been and I'm not working a "real" job. We are pretty much broke according to paper (and the bank). My daily list never seems to shorten though it changes every single day. I have more confidence now than I ever have, better friends now than I ever have, more focus, more energy, more dedication, more uncertainty, and more joy. I haven't "earned a pay check" since May though I've received "pay checks". I'm exhausted at the end of the day and thrilled to do it all over again the next.

Not everyone lives the life I do, just like not everyone lives the life of a fighter pilot or teacher or post office worker. We are not all created equal, not in the sense of purpose. When it comes to purpose, to all the stuff on our plates, God has a very unique reason for each of us. It's our duty to seek that reason, to live out our calling, and to accept whatever "plates" He gives us.

Tomorrow another plate will be added, grad school. Seminary to be exact. I'm going to church school. I must be honest and say that makes me smile, laugh and have a heart burn all at the same time. When I asked God to please use me I didn't see this coming. When you seek to find out why you were created be prepared, He WILL show you. The plates I have now are not what I envisioned seven years ago when I started going to church, but the plates I have now I wouldn't trade if my life depended on it...because His life did.

I'm busy because I choose to be. I'm busy because I choose to follow God, no matter what. As the song goes, I'm right where I need to be....fill your plates with God and you will be too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hope this helps you, I had acid reflux and awful painful heartburn. My friend told me to check as it helped him get rid of acid reflux and his post nasal drip. I've been following advice for about 4 months now and I feel much better, also at work people are not avoiding me anymore so it seems to have cured my bad breath as well.