Friday, June 17, 2011

our home

When you come to our house and use the main bathroom you'll find writing all over the walls. Each morning when I go to shower I pause and look around at all the writing; people have written notes of encouragement, signed their names, wrote inspirational quotes, and left funny drawings. It's a moment of being able to see in a snap shot all the people that love us. I love our bathroom walls.

The girls are changing bedrooms, they are currently in Erica's room painting will now become Kaity's room and she needs it to be green. Tyler has decided he wants to paint his room too; he's just announced he wants to write inspirational quotes all over his walls. He apparently loves the bathroom walls too.

We rent this house, it doesn't belong to us. I'm unsure how long we will live here, but I'm certain it won't be forever. Over the years we have moved more times than I care to stop and count right now, I've worked hard to slow that down. I'm ready to settle down, to stay unpacked, to have the bathroom walls not change.

Right now I am sitting in the back part of the house, my favorite room, and I can hear the kids all laughing and talking and competing for who's music will be louder. All is right in our home right now. The walls don't belong to us, but we have certainly made this our home and when we move, whenever that will be, we will make those walls ours too for where ever we are there is our home. And we'll write on those bathroom walls too.

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