Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Today my youngest turns 6!! I woke her up this morning singing happy birthday to her and the giggle that came from under the covers was priceless. It's hard to believe it's been six years! So much has happened already in her short time on this Earth and this morning as I watched her get on the bus to head off to school I felt such pride to be her mom. E is strong-willed, funny, and at times very shy. She loves to give hugs and kisses and can count to 11 in Spanish! Thanks to Dora! :) But above all of that, my little E loves God.

Each night I tuck her into bed and we say our prayers. Hers always starts with "Dear God, thank you for this BEAUTIFUL day. Help us to have good life, good food, good dreams..." Sometimes she prays for her dad while he travels the country, sometimes she prays that she will stop fighting with her sister and brother. And sometimes she just prays those two sentences and says Amen. She then opens her eyes and says ok mom, your turn. So then I pray and during my praying she rubs my face and plays with my hair. But the best part of the whole thing is when we are both done she hugs me and says those were great prayers Mom!

I started taking my kids to church when E was just seven months old. Up until then I wanted nothing to do with God. I can't even begin to describe how different our life is now compared to where I know it would be if we didn't start seeking out God. In many ways being a Christian is wayyyyyyy harder than I ever expected it to be. But each night as I pray with E I am so thankful He welcomed me home with open arms.

So today, September 9, 2009 I pray that my daughter Miss E will grow up knowing how much God truly loves her, knowing how beautiful she really is, and will always know that I love her regardless of the path she follows. I pray that I allow her room to explore and grow. I pray that I allow her to become the woman God wants her to be, not the woman I want her to be. Above all I pray you have the chance to know her because I promise you will truly be blessed!

:) Till next time...

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