Tuesday, September 30, 2008


This morning I woke up to the news of the state of our economy falling further. My son and I sat on the couch watching the tv, hearing the debates going on, and began to discuss what it all means. Let me tell you right off that I have never talked "politics" up until this point in time in my life. I've never really taken a full interest in politics for several reasons, but that has to change. No longer can I just sit on the side saying nothing and more importantly doing nothing. Not just for my own self, but because I have three kids looking to me as their leader. They want to know what I'm thinking, why, and what I'm going to do. I must say I'm no different than apparently the rest of the country...I don't know what the right thing to do is. We are so fragile right now, but to do nothing is not an option.

As I have said many times before I'm interested in why I'm a woman and what it means. Part of what it means is coming to light through this election...I have been reminded of how far woman have come in this country and how long it truly took us to be able to have a voice. We've come from not being able to vote to having a woman run for vice president! Regardless of political views, please see that for what it is...beautiful progress. Some would argue that a woman can't be a leader and I guess my response to that is we lead every single day.

I have two daughters that I want to know they are not hindered by being a woman. They are not less important, less intelligent, or less capable. I want them to stand tall simply because they are God's daughter and in His eyes they are perfectly beautiful. I have a son that I want to know should not be intimidated by women, but feel confident in his strength, know that he has what it takes to do what God calls him to do, and to know the difference between influence and bully.

I hope that this time of year is going to spur conversations in families that would normally be silenced by watching tv. I hope that communities unite and help one another out during this time of lay-offs, high gas, and the bottom falling out of the $1. I hope that we as humans finally see things for what it is...just floating from day to day if you don't have God's wisdom in your life.

Continue to pray for our sons and daughters because the day is coming when we are going to hand this country over to them. Pray for our current leaders to put aside their pride and do what's right not what's easy. Pray for yourself that you have the wisdom to see God's grace when you look in the mirror and the courage to accept it.

Till next time...

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