Sunday, July 25, 2010


All of my kids are home. Still sleeping, we stayed out late last night and each of them have had a long week in their own ways. But right now, all is right in my home because my family is complete.

Tyler came home from CIY last night and I could see the sheer bliss in him. He talked all night about different things he learned at camp and then, I stood in the center of the room watching him talk to someone else about his week and I heard God whisper "isn't he beautiful"...

I spent most of the day with Kaitlyn yesterday. Just the two of us. We went shopping and ate lunch in mall. We talked non-stop and shared lots of laughs. I saw how her style has changed, she's no longer a little girl. Last night a friend whispered to me "wow she's beautiful"....

It was raining when we came home last night and my hair was soaked. I was tired and just wanted to crawl into my bed. Erica wanted me to tuck her in. I hadn't seen her in seven days so it was a moment of coming back into focus for me, what really matters. As I leaned in to kiss her goodnight I couldn't help but notice she looks older. She'll soon be 8 and she's quickly loosing that little girl look. Then I kissed her forehead and thanked God for this beautiful little person being all mine.'s a theme for me. God is working out loud to show me what His idea of beautiful is and I'm quickly learning it has nothing to do with the way a woman looks but it has everything to do with the way God's child looks. Beauty, in God's eyes, is not meant to be feminine but rather meant to describe those things that take your breath away.

Seeing God through my children...beautiful. Walking alone on the trail and feeling God all around me...beautiful. Hearing my friends laugh till they cry...beautiful. Drinking coffee in the quiet of my home knowing I'm taken care of...beautiful. Truly and deeply loving...beautiful.

Thank you God for showing me that beautiful is not bad, beautiful is not looks and beautiful is not limited. Sweet, sweet beautiful. :)

Till next time...

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