Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The voice....

"...The voice of truth says do not be afraid, the voice of truth says this is for my glory...I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth..." Casting Crowns. I love that song. The voice that whispers in my ear, that tells me I'm not good enough, I'm not strong enough to endure, the voice that says you're wrong; that voice I've accepted will never go away. It'll always be there, but...but...I have another voice that is stirring inside me, a voice that over time is getting louder, stronger, and clearer. THAT voice is the voice of truth.

A lot of changing is going on in my life right now, it's been an interesting 2010 thus far and we're only half way through the year! Many good things are surfacing, God's light is clear and bright. I've got much to smile about. And then I hear that stupid little voice, reminding me of how far I've still got to go, of where I've come from, of what I don't have. That voice comes in the quiet of the night and noise of the day, it creeps in and reveals my fears, my longing, and my doubts.

Today I was reading an email from a my "nest" friend, I've read this email at least 5 times in the past two days. Her words are a voice of truth, her friendship to me is real. I am reminded through that email that I'm exactly where I need to be and not yet where I know God will lead me to, I'll get there but for now we are here. The voice of truth comes in like a lion and roars at me, "You are perfect in my eyes My child; you will not simply endure this, you will grow through it; this time of waiting is not to punish you but to let Me shine through you." I'm reminded of all the people in the bible who waited, who longed, and then who felt the reward of that wait in a sweetness they never even imagined.

My life is full, fantastic and still void of certain things. Today I will choose to not only listen but to BELIEVE the voice of truth.

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