Friday, July 2, 2010


My house is currently quiet. Erica has disappeared into her room, the tv is off and I'm sitting on the couch listening to the sound of passing cars and birds talking...that's the only sound I hear. Well that and the sound of my fingers hitting the keys as I type these words.

I've been working on my book all week, spending countless hours on this laptop, trying to have my fingers keep up with the speed of my brain. It's not easy, trust me. We're making progress though, in ways I didn't expect.

I was getting ready to get up, go "do" something, when it struck me...listen to the silence. That's when I realized though the house seems quiet, it's not. I can hear the cars, I can hear Erica talking to herself as she plays, I can hear the buzzing of a bee outside the window, I can hear the hum of a mower which means I'll soon be smelling freshly cut grass...a smell I simply love.

There was a time in my life when I didn't notice any of these things, I was too busy going from one moment to the next. My plates were full and I was never, ever, in a moment of silence. I don't think I ever stayed in one place long enough to even take a full breath.

Today I balance silence with laughter. I balance fullness with aloneness. Today I am still living a full live with many plates spinning, but what's on the plates has changed and I've learned to embrace silence, to enjoy moments of just listening. Today silence is golden.

Till next time...

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