Saturday, July 24, 2010


One thing I'm learning very quickly in life...temptations are not fun because making the right decision doesn't always seem like the best route when you're in the moment. But then I guess that's why it's a temptation; something to distract you from where you need to be heading.

I shouldn't be surprised by them, I should know it's coming. I should be on guard, but once again I wasn't and for a brief moment (that lasted a few hours) I was giving in and following the temptation. I'm all about having fun and well, that's always my temptation..."but it's fun"...

I don't have a lot of scriptures memorized, but God has a way of bringing to surface what I need to know and then I go look up certain topics in the bible. This morning while I was out running, God kept reminding me I will give you the strength you need...Isaiah 41:10 God says, Fear not, for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes I will hold you up and retain you with My right hand of rightness and justice.

Temptations are hard, saying no is very hard. But at the end of the day life isn't about pleasing me or you, it's about obeying God because He wants the very best for us. So, what may seem fun "in the moment" pales in comparison to the fun we'll have for ever if we simply lay down our desires and follow His.

Till next time...

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