Sunday, August 22, 2010

To enter...

Outside the fence, that's where you are. We talk, we laugh, but still you remain outside the fence. It is right, just not easy.

Surely you see behind me, the friends walking around inside the gate. Surely you see the love in my eyes, know that I am able to give it, just not willing in the way you call.

The castle is large, there is room inside. People will enter, few will remain. For where there is a front gate, a back gate beckons. The walls are cracked, willing an entrance.

Will you enter? Will you remain? Outside the fence you look with questions in your eyes, I hear you. I see you. I will not look away.

Remember the fence is protection, not an invitation. The castle is a heart, not a destination. I love you, just across the fence because today that is what is right, not what is easy.

till next time...

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