Monday, December 14, 2015

Day 14. What we think about...

In conversation today I realized Christmas is next week. NEXT WEEK! I had a slight panic attack as I pondered how I was going to pull it all together (you know, the juggling of gifts and bills) and then suddenly I realized that also meant our time of writing for 25 Days for Peace will come to an end next week as well. I felt an instant wave of sadness.

Writing about one topic every single day for 25 days is proving to be daunting for myself and based on observation I think it's safe to say it is for all of us participating in this project. Daunting, challenging, and so very rewarding. Writing is cathartic--well, if you're a writer. But writing on a single topic for 25 days is a different kind of cathartic.

 Can we view something that is uncomfortable, something that stretches us, something that even proves to be daunting as good, as therapeutic even? Can we view something like focusing on a single word for 25 days to be beneficial to our overall well being? Proverbs 23:7 tells us "For as a man thinks, he is" That means, thinking about a single word like "Peace" for 25 straight days could, dare I say, cause peace inside of me.

As a writer you're always looking for inspiration, when you're writing about something specific like peace you're looking for specific inspiration and when you do that for 25 straight days you start to become desperate for inspiration. But if we view this experience, if we the writers and you the readers remember what you think about is what you are, then perhaps "looking for inspiration" is no longer necessary--perhaps it has just become "I think about peace because I want peace" and then, perhaps, the sadness of the thought of this project ending comes full circle.

We still have more than week left of writing, you have more than a week left of reading and together we will have 25 days of reflecting on a simple word. I'd say this project far surpasses what we even imagined or hoped! Here's to becoming peace!

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