Wednesday, December 16, 2015


The wall behind our kitchen table is filled with words, inspirational words including "BE AWESOME." That wall is what many of my clients see during our coaching sessions. That wall is what my children see when we eat or play games together. That wall is what I see each and every day. No matter the mood, no matter the circumstance, there on the wall shouting at me is "BE AWESOME" among other words that inspire and encourage.

Much of my conversation and my thinking revolves around perspective. The more I learn about the brain, about the way God created us, the more I appreciate the ability to choose my perspective. I don't have to be in a bad mood unless I CHOOSE to be in a bad mood. I also don't have to view my circumstances as anything other than how I choose to view them. It's all in perspective.

I love the wall of inspiration and I love that the biggest phrase on that wall is "BE AWESOME" because frankly, if we're busy being awesome we'll be less likely to be jerks, less likely to be grumpy, less likely to be in a state of negative thinking. Not that we won't have our off moments, not that we won't still feel the impact of the blows of life--but hopefully we'll bounce back quicker, we'll cause less pain ourselves, and we'll begin to see the world as a place of positive, a world that is brimming with the hope brought about by the peace that surpasses all understanding. It's all a matter of perspective.

You were made for, go and...

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