Saturday, December 5, 2015

Day 5...Healing

Today is day 5 in the 25 Days for Peace project--I woke early this morning feeling excited to write, something that hasn't happened in a while and for which I'm excited to see return. I spent a little while writing but felt when I was finished that this piece just wasn't there yet, so I clicked save and said a quick "I'm open to what You want to say" prayer then started my day. I'm glad I waited...

The day is winding down and as I sit to write tonight's post I can't help but smile as I contemplate what I feel inside. For the past week I've felt unrest, void of peace, but tonight I feel as if my heart let out a long sigh and I have experienced a wave of relief. Tonight I feel peace.

I only have 1 child left living at home, the other 2 are adults and are busy making lives of their own. So when the moment comes that I get to have all 3 of my children with me for any length of time, I feel complete. But it's not just us being together, it's the way we are when we're together that makes my heart sing. We laugh, we poke fun, we reminisce--today as I was watching the kids hang their ornaments, saying things like "Oh my gosh! I remember when..." it dawned on me that in these moments healing is happening. Healing takes place when we remember, when we laugh and cry, when we share, and when we realize we're family no matter what. Healing happens when we can begin to see the past for what it is, the past, and the gift of having today. Today, my little family of 4 healed just a little bit more.

Our tree is filled with memories and each time I walk by it, I'm over come by just how blessed I am. This particular Christmas season I'm healing just a little bit more. 

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